Kyle Steinfeld

Death Valley

NeurIPS 2017 Machine Learning for Creativity and Design

Kyle Steinfeld

In work exhibited at the NeurIPS 2017 Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, we developed a process for relating depthmaps extracted from Google Street View panoramas with the corresponding photographic information. A number of separate models were produced using limited geographic areas of selected cites. With these depthmap-to-panoramic cityscape models trained, we are able to generate new images from unrelated depthmaps which resembled photographic images of the selected cities. This is demonstrated using a javascript app (not currently online) and documented in still images and a series of videos.

Not Far From Home

NeurIPS 2018 Machine Learning for Creativity and Design

Kyle Steinfeld

In work exhibited at the NeurIPS 2018 Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, three-dimensional architectural massings for single-family homes are generated by a generative adversarial network. This GAN is trained on a small dataset of three-dimensional models of homes falling into seventeen architectural styles, and that are represented as multi-view heightfield images. A process is developed for converting from 3d CAD model to 2d tiled heightfield image, and from the 2d heightfield images generated by GAN back to three-dimensions in voxel format.