Kyle Steinfeld Geometry Library

Joy Ko and Kyle Steinfeld

A platform-independent computational geometry library targeting architectural designers, and built upon the strategies of host-independence, domain-specificity, and context-appropriate abstraction.

While the library remains available as a GitHub repo, it has been only lighly maintained since 2019.

While a range of textual scripting environments are currently available to architects, in most of these, the authoring of architectural geometry demands a detailed understanding of the application programming interface (API) of the CAD software with which it is associated. Despite a wealth of options available, since most APIs present challenges to communities of users unfamiliar with complex programming structures, the utility of these environments is limited to a narrow audience of specialists. As such, they remain firmly out of reach for the vast majority of designers. In contrast to most existing geometry libraries, was developed by starting from first principles, and by viewing geometric methods through the lens of their application to architectural design. As one of the few development environments that functions outside the context of an API, it represents one of only a handful that have been developed with creative design applications in mind, and thereby presents a more ideal interface for creative architects.